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Daily Archives: 15. December 2008 − News & Stories

EU fun­ding rese­arch in Spits­ber­gen

The “Sval­bard Inte­gra­ted Arc­tic Earth Obser­ving Sys­tem” (SIAE­OS) pro­jekt is desi­gned to under­stand envi­ron­ment and cli­ma­te with their com­pon­ents land, sea, ice and atmo­sphe­re. EU will fund this pro­ject with initi­al­ly 400 Mil­lio­nen NOK (ca. 43 mil­li­on Euro) and sub­se­quent­ly 70 Mil­lio­nen NOK (almost 8 mil­li­on Euro) annu­al­ly. 

Important part of the sci­en­ti­fic infra­struc­tu­re in Spits­ber­gen: the EIS­CAT-radar near mine 7 in Advent­da­len.

EU funding research in Spitsbergen

Source: UNIS


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