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Polar Star aground

On June 30, MV Polar Star ran aground on a rock north of Horn­sund (south of Dunøya­ne). The sur­pri­sing aspect is the fact that the shal­low is actual­ly mark­ed on the most recent sea charts, but as it tur­ned out, older ver­si­ons were used on board, which do not include the rock. The­re were no inju­ries or los­ses and dama­ge to the hull was not signi­fi­cant. The governor’s ves­sel and the coast guard were soon in the area to eva­lua­te the situa­ti­on and assist, if neces­sa­ry. The 67 pas­sen­gers of MV Polar Star were soon trans­fer­red to MV Fram, ano­ther crui­se ship that was in the area. MV Polar Star could con­ti­nue its regu­lar ser­vice alre­a­dy July 03.

MV Polar Star has been used as crui­se ship in Spits­ber­gen waters for a num­ber of years and has fre­quent­ly visi­ted the area in ques­ti­on befo­re.

Dunøya­ne north of Horn­sund, whe­re MV Polar Star ran aground on June 30. The coast of the main island in the back­ground.

Polar Star aground - Nordre Dunoya

Sourcen: Sys­sel­man­nen, Sval­bard­pos­ten und Mil­jøsta­tus på Sval­bard



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: compilation: Elke Lindner/Rolf Stange