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Daily Archives: 13. January 2012 − News & Stories

Die­sel leaka­ge at Kapp Lin­né

The old radio sta­ti­on Isfjord Radio at Kapp Lin­né at the mouth of Isfjord was aban­do­ned about 10 years ago. Today, the pro­tec­ted buil­dings are used only during the spring and sum­mer sea­son for tou­ristic pur­po­ses. For the rest of the year, the hou­ses are stan­ding emp­ty, most­ly wit­hout super­vi­si­on.

Employees of the owner SNSG (Store Nor­ske Spits­ber­gen Gru­bekom­pa­ni) have dis­co­ver­ed a die­sel leaka­ge. It is uncer­tain for how long die­sel could escape from the tank, but the Sys­sel­man­nen assu­mes that up to 100,000 or 150,000 lit­res may have ente­red the local envi­ron­ment. The leaka­ge hap­pen­ed in a gene­ra­tor room.

The polar win­ter makes it impos­si­ble to take coun­ter­ac­ti­ve mea­su­res.

The hou­ses of the for­mer radio sta­ti­on Isfjord Radio at Kapp Lin­né.

Diesel leakage at Kapp Linné - data-lazy-src=


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