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Daily Archives: 19. April 2012 − News & Stories

East Green­land 2013

Start­ing in 2013, Rolf Stan­ge and the “Geo­gra­phi­sche Rei­se­ge­sell­schaft” will be offe­ring trips not only in Spits­ber­gen, but also in East Green­land. We will spend some days in Amm­as­sa­lik and then board the Ice­lan­dic scho­o­ner Hil­dur to explo­re Score­s­by­sund, the world’s lar­gest fjord sys­tem, for a week.

The trip will be Ger­man spea­king. Click here for more info: East Green­land 2013.

Hil­dur in Score­s­by­sund, East Green­land.

East Greenland 2013 - Hildur in Scoresbysund

Big oil is wat­ching Spits­ber­gen

The oil and gas indus­try will focus rese­arch acti­vi­ties on on-shore are­as of Spits­ber­gen. Even though oil and gas pro­duc­tion is unli­kely on the islands not only for fra­gi­le legal reasons, but also due to more solid geo­lo­gi­cal cir­cum­s­tances: here it is easy to stu­dy what is hid­den under the sea flo­or fur­ther south in the Barents Sea. The so-cal­led Barents Shelf is belie­ved to have signi­fi­cant poten­ti­al for hydro­car­bon pro­duc­tion.

Main­ly of inte­rest are Tri­as­sic and Juras­sic sedi­ments that are rich in orga­nic mate­ri­al and wide­ly spread in cen­tral and sou­the­as­tern parts of Sval­bard. Equi­va­lents of the­se rocks near the Nor­we­gi­an coast have alre­a­dy tur­ned out to be pro­duc­ti­ve. Seve­ral oil com­pa­nies have alre­a­dy announ­ced their inte­rest to con­duct geo­lo­gi­cal excur­si­ons to the­se parts of Sval­bard.

Tri­as­sic rocks in Sas­send­a­len. The­se rocks are inte­res­t­ing for the oil and gas indus­try.

Big oil is watching Spitsbergen - Triassic sediments, Sassendalen

Source: Net­ta­vi­sen for Geo­mil­jøet


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