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Home* News and Stories → Attack on Utøya: Vil­jar Hans­sen from Lon­gye­ar­by­en bears wit­ness in Oslo

Attack on Utøya: Vil­jar Hans­sen from Lon­gye­ar­by­en bears wit­ness in Oslo

Five young per­sons from Lon­gye­ar­by­en were direct­ly struck by the attacks on Utøya and Oslo, whe­re 77 peo­p­le whe­re kil­led by the extre­mist Anders Beh­ring Brei­vik, who is often cal­led ABB in Nor­way to avo­id spea­king out his full name. Among­st the five from Lon­gye­ar­by­en was Johan­nes Buø, who lost his life at the age of four­teen. Vil­jar Hans­sen (18) was hit by five bul­lets and sever­ely inju­red.

On Tues­day, June 22, Vil­jar Hans­sen made his state­ment as a wit­ness at the court in Oslo. Accor­ding to mem­bers of the audi­ence and hims­elf, he was part­ly even able to make his state­ment with some humour. Later he said that his state­ment was an important and very hel­pful step for him to get over the events. He also said that the pre­sence of ABB made litt­le impres­si­on on him.

As ever­y­whe­re in Nor­way, the attacks were recei­ved as a public shock in Lon­gye­ar­by­en and tho­se invol­ved were met with gre­at empa­thy.

Utøya: a nice litt­le holi­day island until July 22 of last year, when it beca­me the site of Norway’s most ter­ri­ble vio­lent fel­o­ny in post-war histo­ry. (Foto: Wiki­me­dia Com­mons).

Viljar Hanssen from Longyearbyen bears witness in Oslo: Utøya

Source: Sval­bard­pos­ten (20/2012)



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange