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Daily Archives: 26. August 2012 − News & Stories

Acci­dent in front oft Esmark­breen

On thirsday the 21th of august one per­son was kil­led in front of Esmark­bree (Esmark Gla­cier) during a Zodiac crui­se. A pie­ce of ice bro­ke down from the near­ly 25 m high egde oft the gla­cial front. The exact cir­cum­s­tances oft the acci­dent will be inves­ti­ga­ted during the next weeks.

Esmark­breen ist situa­ted insi­de of Ymer­buk­ta (Ymer Bay)on the nor­t­hern side of Isfjord (Ice Fjord).

Ymer­buk­ta with Esmark­breen

Accident in front oft Esmarkbreen

Source: Sval­bard­pos­ten 33/2012


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