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Daily Archives: 11. September 2012 − News & Stories

Crui­se tou­rism in nor­t­hern Nor­way on the growth

38,500 pas­sen­gers have visi­ted Spits­ber­gen during the 2012 sea­son, a growth of 75 % com­pared to 2011. The growth is within the sec­tor of big­ger over­sea crui­se ships, which are signi­fi­cant­ly incre­asing in size. The num­ber of ship visits has remain­ed rela­tively con­stant, and so did the num­ber of pas­sen­gers and ships within the sec­tor of small expe­di­ti­on crui­se ships.

An avera­ge growth of 41 % is repor­ted from other ports in nor­t­hern Nor­way.

MS Aida Cara (pas­sen­ger capa­ci­ty 1339) in Lon­gye­ar­by­en, July 02.

Cruise tourism in northern Norway on the growth

Source: NRK


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