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Home* News and Stories → Cha­sing polar bears with heli­c­op­ter in the name of sci­ence

Cha­sing polar bears with heli­c­op­ter in the name of sci­ence

An obser­va­ti­on of a fema­le polar bear tog­e­ther with a cub at Nor­denskjöld­breen, oppo­si­te Pyra­mi­den north of Lon­gye­ar­by­en, did not go as expec­ted. The ani­mals had been obser­ved many times during the sum­mer, always beha­ving neu­tral­ly or curious­ly towards smal­ler ships. In late Sep­tem­ber, howe­ver, they were quick­ly scared and ran away.

Not much later in Lon­gye­ar­by­en, the secret behind the chan­ged beha­viour could be reve­a­led. Sci­en­tists who put their inte­rest in taking samples hig­her than the well-being of the ani­mals had cha­sed them over kilo­me­t­res with a heli­c­op­ter to tran­qui­li­ze them. The cha­se was obser­ved by Czech sci­en­tists.

On the run: Polar bear fami­ly on Nor­denskjöld­breen. The ani­mals went up this steep, snow-cover­ed ice wall at con­sidera­ble pace. Both are well fed.

Chasing polar bears with helicopter in the name of science - Polar bears at Nordenskjöldbreen

Source: Own obser­va­ti­on, local cont­acts.



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange