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Daily Archives: 29. November 2012 − News & Stories

Fly­ing low over wal­rus­ses: judi­cial after­math

The low flight of an offi­ci­al air­plane over a group of wal­rus­ses, which was both very incon­side­ra­te and against valid rules, has been repor­ted befo­re on the­se pages (see Octo­ber news). The inci­dence now seems to have a judi­cial after­math. The affair has been repor­ted to the Nor­we­gi­an office for poli­ce mat­ters. The point of the report is, howe­ver, not the actu­al flight, but the hand­ling of fur­ther inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. Fol­lo­wing regu­la­ti­ons and com­mon rou­ti­ne, rele­vant emails should have been published, but were not. This gives rise to the sus­pi­ci­on that it was tried to keep the inci­dent away from public atten­ti­on. Accor­ding to the offi­ci­al expl­ana­ti­on, this was not the case, an expl­ana­ti­on that will hard­ly sur­pri­se.

The flight was obser­ved by a group of tou­rists who final­ly repor­ted about the inci­dent to media.

Peaceful obser­va­ti­on of a group of wal­rus­ses. Use of air­craft clo­se to such a herd is neither allo­wed nor ani­mal fri­end­ly.

Flying low over walrusses - Walrusses, Spitsbergen.

Source: Sys­sel­man­nen.


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