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Daily Archives: 10. February 2013 − News & Stories

Queen Son­ja of Nor­way in Lon­gye­ar­by­en

Queen Son­ja of Nor­way ope­ned the world nor­t­hern­most jazz fes­ti­val “Polar­jazz” and the exhi­bi­ti­on “Tre rei­ser – tre lands­kap” (Three jour­neys – three land­scapes) at Sval­bard gal­lery. Queen Son­ja pre­sen­ted also her own pic­tures (pho­to­graphs) from a visit to Spits­ber­gen in 2006. The­re are, among­st others, pic­tures from an ice cave in Bol­terd­a­len near Lon­gye­ar­by­en.

Ice cave in Bol­terd­a­len

Queen Sonja of Norway in Longyearbyen - Ice cave in Bolterdalen


News-Listing live generated at 2024/October/13 at 22:48:44 Uhr (GMT+1)