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Daily Archives: 21. February 2013 − News & Stories


The trap­per sta­ti­on at Aus­t­fj­ord­ne­set in inner Wij­defjord may be ope­ned again for trap­pers in autumn 2014. Until 2 years ago, the sta­ti­on, which has a com­pa­ra­tively long histo­ry and is now owned by the Sys­sel­man­nen, was open for use for hun­ters who would stay at least one year to hunt main­ly polar fox and reinde­er on a pro­fes­sio­nal basis. The sta­ti­on was then clo­sed for reasons that are some­what unclear. Initi­al­ly, it was sta­ted that the ope­ra­ti­on requi­red too much of the Sysselmannen’s resour­ces, a reaso­ning that was dif­fi­cult to fol­low: the main­ten­an­ce was car­ri­ed out any­way regard­less of poten­ti­al pri­va­te use (and pri­va­te users would actual­ly con­tri­bu­te to main­ten­an­ce) and the respec­ti­ve users would essen­ti­al­ly be respon­si­ble for their own logi­stics and expen­ses (alt­hough it was cus­tom that the Sys­sel­man­nen offe­red trans­por­ta­ti­on with their ves­sel Nord­sys­sel, for exam­p­le during the annu­al inspec­tion trips in the late sum­mer). In a recent press release, atten­ti­on was rather drawn to inven­to­ry work on near­by his­to­ri­cal sites and the local reinde­er popu­la­ti­ons and their reco­very from ear­lier hun­ting.

The regu­la­ti­on for pro­fes­sio­nal hun­ting in Spits­ber­gen is curr­ent­ly being revi­sed. The inten­ti­on is to pro­vi­de a frame­work to keep a tra­di­ti­on of pro­fes­sio­nal all-year hun­ting ali­ve while not put­ting any pres­su­re on local ani­mal popu­la­ti­ons. The­re are curr­ent­ly 3 pri­va­te­ly owned trap­per sta­ti­ons in use for pro­fes­sio­nal hun­ting: Kapp Schol­lin in Bell­sund, Farm­ham­na in For­lands­und and Kapp Wijk in Isfjord.

The trap­per sta­ti­on at Aus­t­fj­ord­ne­set, inner Wij­defjord.

Rossmeer Küste

Source: Sys­sel­man­nen


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