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Home* News and Stories → Thank you and hap­py new year!

Thank you and hap­py new year!

It is still me, Rolf Stan­ge, who is behind this web­site, wri­ting the books, lea­ding the polar voy­a­ges told about on this site and taking the pho­tos. But none of this would be pos­si­ble with all the­se polar enthu­si­asts who are part of all this. I can not men­ti­on ever­y­bo­dy here who has been part of one of the trips, who is hel­ping to make the web­site hap­pen or to get the books on paper and out into the world etc, and some don’t neces­s­a­ri­ly want to read their name on the inter­net. By the way, the inter­net … how did Roald Amund­sen orga­ni­ze his polar expe­di­ti­ons wit­hout it?

Even the youn­gest ones are keen to get invol­ved when it comes to my books 😉

Spitsbergen-Svalbard.com-publishing house

And last but not least: ever­y­bo­dy who was on board in the far north or deep south, at good humour in any kind of wea­ther. Thank you for being part of it! Wit­hout you, we wouldn’t be able to tra­vel the Arc­tic or Ant­ar­c­tic, and it wouldn’t be half of the fun. Let’s go again – and all the best to you for the new year, any­whe­re bet­ween the poles!


Some of the crew of Anti­gua, remo­ving a big fishing net that had drifted on to a remo­te beach in Wood­fjord. After a long day’s work, this wouldn’t hap­pen wit­hout quite some enthu­si­asm for the arc­tic envi­ron­ment. Gre­at! On the left, the­re is Michel­le van Dijk, sea­so­ned Spits­ber­gen tra­vel­ler and owner of the camp­si­te in Lon­gye­ar­by­en. On the right, Joa­chim, well known to many of you as Cap­tain of the Anti­gua. Thank you!

Hei­mir from Ice­land, Cap­tain of Ópal, and his crew made the Green­land trips in Sep­tem­ber unfor­gettable for us. Gre­at – thank you! We are loo­king for­ward to 2015!

Heimir auf Ópal, Scoresbysund 2013



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange