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Daily Archives: 15. February 2014 − News & Stories

Noor­der­licht wai­ting for the ice in Tem­pel­fjord

In the win­ter sea­son, the two-mast scho­o­ner Noor­der­licht free­zes into solid ice in Tem­pel­fjord to ser­ve as a desti­na­ti­on for tou­rist acti­vi­ties like snows­coo­ter- and dog sledge tours.

This year the ice is so far miss­ing, so the ship is still wai­ting its job. Simi­lar to last year, winds from the south are pres­sing warm water into Isfjord and keep even Tem­pel­fjord still open, which is loca­ted at the eas­tern (inner­most) extre­mi­ty of Isfjord. Ano­ther reason are extra­or­di­na­ri­ly high tem­pe­ra­tures in Spits­ber­gen which have now varied around the free­zing point for weeks and make this win­ter so far one of the war­mest sin­ce the begin­ning of the recor­dings.

Now the tour ope­ra­tors hope for lower tem­pe­ra­tures so that the sea­son can start as plan­ned at the end of Febru­ary when the first tours are sche­du­led. Last year, the tem­pe­ra­tures went down in March and the “boat in the ice” could begin its sea­son just in time.

Noor­der­licht in Tem­pel­fjord, April 2013.

Noorderlicht, Tempelfjord

Source: Sval­bard­pos­ten


News-Listing live generated at 2025/February/15 at 22:40:24 Uhr (GMT+1)