Most of my polar voyages in 2014 have already been fully booked for quite some time. If you still want to join in 2014, then you have got the possibility to do so in September, focussing on natural history, photography and hiking with SV Antigua. Click here for more info (German site, as the trip is German speaking).
Now I have also got most of the dates for 2015 fixed. Detailed information is yet to come, but as most voyages will, according to experience, be fully booked at an early stage, I do recommend to get in touch in case you are interested.
The following trips in Spitsbergen are planned for 2015 (they will be German speaking, so you should speak a bit if you want to join, but of course it does not have to be your first language):
Around Spitsbergen with SV Antigua, June 30- July 17, 2015.
Advanced Spitsbergen: Expedition with SY Arctica II, July 19- August 06, 2015.
West and North Spitsbergen with Antigua, focussing on glaciers: September 15-25, 2015. Have a look at the photos of a similar voyage in 2012.!
Jan Mayen: our expeditions to Jan Mayen are fully booked more quickly than we can advertise them properly, which is quite amazing! This is the case both for 2014 and 2015, so if you are interested to spend a week on Jan Mayen, then we are now looking at 2016 and you should get in touch sooner rather than later.
We are also planning another trip into Scoresbysund (east Greenland) with SV Ópal, similar to 2013, so have a look at the photos (trip 1 and trip 2) to get an impression. The planning for another trip to East Greenland in 2015 is currently still in an earlier phase.
Sailing expeditions in the arctic: Spitsbergen, Jan Mayen, East Greenland 2015.
In February, the average temperature was no less than 15 degrees above the long-term average. For weeks, the temperatures have oscillated around freezing. Only the first 10 days, the air was at -10°C or below. Since then, temperate Atlantic airmasses have moved north to push colder, arctic airmasses further away.
Meteorologists have calculated the average temperature of February in Longyearbyen to be -1.2°C. The long-term average for February is -16.2°C.
It can be assumed that it is not only the air that is currently warmer than it used to be, but also the waters around Spitsbergen. The ice situation seems to confirm this, as large parts of the waters east and north of Spitsbergen are far more open than they usually are at this time of the year. Even inner branches of the fjords such as Tempelfjord and Billefjord have not yet really frozen over so far.
The current weather forecast for the next 10 days does at least not show any temperatures above freezing. While it was not far below zero in Longyearbyen over the weekend, temperatures at the east coast were said to be near -30°C.
Also in Norway, the winter has, so far, been far milder than it usually is.
Even the small Adventfjord has not really been frozen in several years by now.