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Home* News and Stories → Polar voy­a­ges 2014, 2015: Spits­ber­gen, Jan May­en, East Green­land

Polar voy­a­ges 2014, 2015: Spits­ber­gen, Jan May­en, East Green­land

Most of my polar voy­a­ges in 2014 have alre­a­dy been ful­ly boo­ked for quite some time. If you still want to join in 2014, then you have got the pos­si­bi­li­ty to do so in Sep­tem­ber, focus­sing on natu­ral histo­ry, pho­to­gra­phy and hiking with SV Anti­gua. Click here for more info (Ger­man site, as the trip is Ger­man spea­king).

Now I have also got most of the dates for 2015 fixed. Detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on is yet to come, but as most voy­a­ges will, accor­ding to expe­ri­ence, be ful­ly boo­ked at an ear­ly stage, I do recom­mend to get in touch in case you are inte­res­ted.

The fol­lo­wing trips in Spits­ber­gen are plan­ned for 2015 (they will be Ger­man spea­king, so you should speak a bit if you want to join, but of cour­se it does not have to be your first lan­guage):

  • Around Spits­ber­gen with SV Anti­gua, June 30- July 17, 2015.
  • Advan­ced Spits­ber­gen: Expe­di­ti­on with SY Arc­ti­ca II, July 19- August 06, 2015.
  • West and North Spits­ber­gen with Anti­gua, focus­sing on gla­ciers: Sep­tem­ber 15-25, 2015. Have a look at the pho­tos of a simi­lar voya­ge in 2012.!

Jan May­en: our expe­di­ti­ons to Jan May­en are ful­ly boo­ked more quick­ly than we can adver­ti­se them pro­per­ly, which is quite ama­zing! This is the case both for 2014 and 2015, so if you are inte­res­ted to spend a week on Jan May­en, then we are now loo­king at 2016 and you should get in touch soo­ner rather than later.

We are also plan­ning ano­ther trip into Score­s­by­sund (east Green­land) with SV Ópal, simi­lar to 2013, so have a look at the pho­tos (trip 1 and trip 2) to get an impres­si­on. The plan­ning for ano­ther trip to East Green­land in 2015 is curr­ent­ly still in an ear­lier pha­se.

Sai­ling expe­di­ti­ons in the arc­tic: Spits­ber­gen, Jan May­en, East Green­land 2015.

Antigua, Spitsbergen



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange