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Daily Archives: 26. April 2015 − News & Stories

East coast

25th-26th April 2015 – I can repeat the text of the last blog ent­ry here with just some minor adap­ti­ons wit­hout fee­ling bad about it. Some­ti­mes it is so easy. Life does not have to be com­pli­ca­ted up here, it does not have to be dif­fe­rent every day. The arc­tic is beau­tiful. Enjoy­ing it is the main point. That’s it.

Of cour­se it is nevert­hel­ess nice to dis­co­ver new places. Such as Mos­kus­da­len on the eas­tern side of Sas­send­a­len. Many dri­ve past Mos­kus­da­len on the way to the east coast, few bother to have a look. But it is a beau­tiful place. Not big and spec­ta­cu­lar. Small, silent, beau­tiful. It has even got an old hut, ano­ther secon­da­ry hut built by the famous Hil­mar Nøis, pro­ba­b­ly in the 1920s or 1930s.

And now, as pro­mi­sed, the slight­ly adapt­ed repe­ti­ti­on of the last blog’s text ☺

The scenic beau­ty of Sas­send­a­len and Mohn­buk­ta can­not be prai­sed too often. The bet­ter if you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to enjoy this arc­tic para­di­se not just for a few hours, but for some days. You don’t have to do a lot, the polar cine­ma is play­ing an end­less film of sheer beau­ty. Just watch natu­re through the win­dow of a cou­sy cabin for a while. You will con­stant­ly dis­co­ver new details and be ama­zed by the chan­ging light and atmo­sphe­re. Gre­at mid­night sun­sets.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.


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