18 Jun
We left Isafjördur on Monday evening, and today it is … let me think … Thursday. Had the wind been a bit more friendly, we should see Jan Mayen now, but as it was, we still have about 150 nautical miles between us and the island. The wind was not too strong (that was the good news), but exactly against us (that was the bad news). That did not make us faster or life on board more comfortable.
So 3 days will soon have gone. On the first day, the feeling of latent seasickness was never far away, and I was happy that I had already got some warm-up exercise on SV Antigua some weeks ago. Others who did not enjoy this advantage, have … – no, no further details.
The wind has calmed down considerably last night, and our speed has increased. Jan Mayen is getting closer and sea sickness seems to be a matter of the past for the moment. Breakfast is certainly enjoying increased popularity today.
As nobody can tell when people are able and willing to eat something, there are no set times for meals here at sea. Whenever you feel hungry, you go and get something. Bread and Müsli are always available, and in the afternoon Siggi is preparing something hot, which in the last two days involved pasta and red sauce, a hearty meeting of Italy and Mexico, good stuff. But as everybody comes (or not) when he or she feels like it, you don’t really meet people these days. Some leave their bunks only when they really can’t avoid it. Shared activities around the table are not an option, emergency exits need to be available for almost everyone at any time. You don’t want to play cards with a bucket on the table, seriously. So at the moment everybody is living a life on his own, enjoying or suffering, reading, listening to some music or a conversation here and there. Sailor Franz (we know him from Arctica II, last August) spends most of the time on the steering wheel. Other than that, the whole spectrum is represented. From a young American couple who didn’t know that Jan Mayen existed until they met Siggi a couple of years ago to a German who has a map of Jan Mayen on the wall since he was 12. So for some a long-time dream will come true now.
Enough for now. Considering that not much has happened so far, I have actually written a lot.
Click on thumbnail to open an enlarged version of the specific photo.
I won’t take the laptop ashore on Jan Mayen, so most likely there will be silence for a good week. We will see. Fingers crossed.