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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Vel­komst­pyn­ten – 4th July 2016

Vel­komst­pyn­ten – 4th July 2016

How often do you have the chan­ce to go ashore on the north coast of Spits­ber­gen? Not in a well shel­te­red bay or fjord, but on a shore which is neigh­bou­ring the North Pole? Not too often. And when you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty, you have to use it.

The wha­lers did so alre­a­dy, loo­king out for wha­les and ice from the­se hills. Bro­ken pie­ces of clay pipes near an old, lar­ge cairn may well date back into the 17th cen­tu­ry. The land is still lar­ge­ly snow-cover­ed. Big snow­fields, wet, hea­vy snow. Best to make some detours to walk around them. So the kilo­me­t­res are adding up quick­ly.

Pho­to Vel­komst­pyn­ten – 4th July 2016


The coas­tal rocks sepa­ra­ting small bays, the hills, the who­le coun­try – ever­y­thing is red. Desert sand, more than 350 mil­li­on years old. Ero­ded debris of a moun­tain ran­ge washed into the sea ages ago.



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last modification: 2016-09-23 · copyright: Rolf Stange