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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Erd­mann­flya – 05th August 2015

Erd­mann­flya – 05th August 2015

A calm night, a calm pas­sa­ge nor­thwards to Isfjord, inter­rupt­ed only by a short stop when cod appeared on the depth sound­er – din­ner was secu­red. Time to show some pho­tos, for the very first time, from our Bee­ren­berg ascent on Jan May­en in July.
Then we reach Bore­buk­ta, one of tho­se bays in the rather civi­li­sed Isfjord area whe­re the­re is not too much traf­fic. Once again, we ven­ture into the arc­tic wil­der­ness, wit­hout see­ing anyo­ne. Once again into the silent tun­dra, flat coas­tal plains, which seem bor­ing from the distance but are actual­ly full of details. An old, small seal­ing ship on the shore looks as if it was left behind by its crew with the inten­ti­on to con­ti­nue the voya­ge soon, but they never retur­ned. What hap­pen­ed? No idea. (Amend­ment: the boat was left the­re by a well-known inha­bi­tant of Lon­gye­ar­by­en usual­ly known as „Hamarøy­en“ – he came from the island Hamarøy – to ser­ve as accom­mo­da­ti­on. The near­by lake has always been popu­lar for fishing among­st the locals).

Bea­ches, inter­rupt­ed by small capes and cliff coasts, incis­ed rivers. Rock land­scapes with fox dens, and very appro­pria­te­ly, two young polar foxes, one of them reason­ab­ly curious. A litt­le herd of six reinde­er making a curious semi-cir­cle around us. A nice fare­well from Spitsbergen’s tun­dra.

The surf had picked up and did not lea­ve all boots dry. Good we had been able to avo­id that during the trips so far.

Gal­lery Erd­mann­flya – 05th August 2015

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

A last, calm night at anchor in Coles­buk­ta, then some final miles to Lon­gye­ar­by­en. Then the voya­ge is over. My very own par­ty is based on fresh arc­tic char from the north coast, a pre­sent from Pål. It is enough for me for two days.



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last modification: 2016-09-22 · copyright: Rolf Stange