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Home* News and Stories → Memo­ry card lost in Spits­ber­gen in 2009 now found

Memo­ry card lost in Spits­ber­gen in 2009 now found

Pho­tos can sur­vi­ve for a long time in the ice. In 1930, film mate­ri­al from the Swe­dish Andrée expe­di­ti­on was found on Kvi­tøya, whe­re the three mem­bers had got maroo­ned and died in 1897. A sen­sa­ti­on after 33 years.

A bit less sen­sa­tio­nal, but nevert­hel­ess remar­kab­le is the sto­ry of a digi­tal memo­ry card that was found in Spits­ber­gen in August this year. It con­ta­ins more than 1200 pho­tos, taken with an Olym­pus came­ra. The files seem to be fine after 6 years in the arc­tic. The pho­tos were taken during a trip with the sai­ling boat Noor­der­licht in ear­ly July 2009.

But the sto­ry still needs a hap­py end, as the memo­ry card has not yet found its way back to the owner. He or she is pos­si­bly on the pho­to that is shown below. Who knows this woman? We would like to help to get the card back to the owner. Plea­se let us know in case you know any­thing of inte­rest (click here to get in touch).

Likely the owner of a memo­ry card that was lost in Spits­ber­gen in 2009 and found now in August.

Memory card owner Noorderlicht 2009

The Swe­de Andrée in late July 1897 in the ice. His expe­di­ti­on got lost, the remains inclu­ding pho­tos (Kod­ak film mate­ri­al) were found on Kvi­tøya only in 1930.

Andrée in ice, 1897



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last modification: 2015-09-10 · copyright: Rolf Stange