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Home* News and Stories → Polar bear fami­ly shot at Aus­t­fj­ord­ne­set: shoo­ter gets fine

Polar bear fami­ly shot at Aus­t­fj­ord­ne­set: shoo­ter gets fine

The case of the polar bear fami­ly shot in June at Aus­t­fj­ord­ne­set has been mat­ter of this blog in two pre­vious artic­les (click here for the first one and here for the second one).

The ver­dict of the public pro­se­cu­tor in Trom­sø has now been published. The shoo­ter has got a fine of 20,000.00 NOK (just abo­ve 2100 Euro) becau­se of negli­gence (“uakt­som­het”). The man has accept­ed the fine, the ver­dict is accor­din­gly in force.

Polar bear fami­ly shot at Aus­t­fj­ord­ne­set – Cour­se of action

The polar bear mother and her cub had been around the hut alre­a­dy for a while, when the shoo­ter wan­ted to sca­re her away with a rub­ber bul­let. The the wea­pon, pro­ba­b­ly a pump-action shot­gun, was loa­ded with a mix­tu­re of sharp ammu­ni­ti­on and rub­ber bul­lets. The shoo­ter did not know exact­ly how the wea­pon was loa­ded and fired a sharp car­tridge rather than a rub­ber bul­let, kil­ling the polar bear mother ins­tead of sca­ring her away with a harm­less hit.

The­re was no acu­te dan­ger to human life during the situa­ti­on, as the shoo­ter was on the roof of the cabin and the second per­son insi­de.

Both trap­pers are back on Aus­t­fj­ord­ne­set and will con­ti­nue their win­tering. A few days ago, ano­ther polar bear that could not be scared away from the sta­ti­on area had been tran­qui­li­zed and flown out to Nord­aus­t­land by the aut­ho­ri­ties.

Polar bear fami­ly at Nor­dens­ki­öld­breen (archi­ve image, Sep­tem­ber 2012).

Spitsbergen: polar bear family

Source: Sys­sel­man­nen



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last modification: 2016-08-12 · copyright: Rolf Stange