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Daily Archives: 4. November 2016 − News & Stories

Svol­vær, Lauk­vik – 04th Novem­ber 2016

Svol­vær is a good place to relax a bit. It is not the cent­re of the world. A nice har­bour, some art gal­le­ries, a bar made out of ice, scenic sur­roun­dings.

For us, it was the start­ing point for our visit to the nor­t­hern light cent­re in Lauk­vik. Situa­ted on the nor­t­hern side of Aus­t­vå­gøy, the­re is a free view to most direc­tions and not too much arti­fi­ci­al light. This is whe­re Rob and The­res from the Net­her­lands have estab­lished their pri­va­te nor­t­hern light cent­re. They are obvious­ly living their pas­si­on, ever­y­thing is cen­te­red around nor­t­hern lights. Rob has got a room full of tech­no­lo­gy, which he built all by hims­elf, to make „direct cont­act with the sun“ and the nor­t­hern lights, as he uses to say.

And they do have good cont­acts to hig­her levels. As soon as the pre­sen­ta­ti­on was finis­hed, we saw some nice nor­t­hern lights 🙂

Kabel­våg-Svol­vær – 04th Novem­ber 2016

The wea­ther is and remains beau­tiful. Clear sky, gent­le free­zing tem­pe­ra­tures during the night, low sun, beau­tiful colours. The sun is curr­ent­ly going up after 8 a.m. and down again near 3 p.m. Of cour­se, we have a long pha­se of twi­light. Altog­e­ther still quite a bit of light. Cer­tain­ly enough to go out­side and do nice things. We made a nice walk from Kabel­våg to Svol­vær today. That is not too far, in theo­ry you could do that in one hour. Of cour­se we took more time, enjoy­ing the land­scape. Rug­ged moun­ta­ins, a silent lake, open wood­land, litt­le wet­lands here and the­re. Some of us took the more spor­ti­ve rou­te over Tjeld­berg­tin­den, 367 m high. I didn’t, it wouldn’t be a good idea with a cold, but I know the gre­at view from up the­re 🙂

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.


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