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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Sep­tem­ber 2017 review­ed: arc­tic light, polar bears and an Ita­li­an lost and found

Sep­tem­ber 2017 review­ed: arc­tic light, polar bears and an Ita­li­an lost and found

Public atten­ti­on in Lon­gye­ar­by­en in Sep­tem­ber 2017 was for some time lar­ge­ly attrac­ted by seve­ral polar bears who see­med hap­py to stay around in the neigh­bour­hood. Of cour­se, also the locals love to see a polar bear, but not whe­re they live, go for a walk and let their child­ren go to school.

An Ita­li­an tou­rist mana­ged to get lost big time on Fuglef­jel­la, west of Lon­gye­ar­by­en. That kept the local branch of the Red Cross and other SAR forces pret­ty busy for a very long night, so it was hard to say if one should laugh or cry in the end. The man was found and saved in good con­di­ti­on, and that’s the most important thing in the end, doesn’t it?


Evening crui­se in Kongsfjord.

We spent a cou­ple of real­ly love­ly days in Pyra­mi­den. You will pro­ba­b­ly know that this is inde­ed a very spe­cial place, and if you are open for the part­ly pret­ty bizar­re impres­si­ons that the place has to offer, then you can just keep dis­co­ve­ring fore­ver! That’s just what we did – not fore­ver, but for a cou­ple of days that I real­ly don’t want to miss. I guess my per­so­nal high­light was the hike over Ygg­dra­sil­kam­pen, the moun­tain south of Pyra­mi­den. Just stun­ning views! Click here to check it out as a full 360 degree pan­ora­ma. It would have been even more fun wit­hout a cold, but still … and of cour­se, the­re is always some­thing new to dis­co­ver in Pyra­mi­den its­elf. And a group of nice peo­p­le. What else could you ask for? In the end, nobo­dy real­ly wan­ted to lea­ve.


View from Ygg­dra­sil­kam­pen over Mimerd­a­len and Pyra­mi­den.

What else did Sep­tem­ber bring? Light, light and light. That’s what this tran­si­ti­on time bet­ween mid­night sun and polar night is famous for. Never-ending sun­ri­ses and sun­sets, ski­es that can be any­thing from oran­ge and pink to red and blue, a dark-green shi­ne on the gla­ciers … we got all of that, and much more. The only light phe­no­me­non that was a bit scar­ce was the nor­t­hern light. Not that the­re were none at all, but we had bet­ter nor­t­hern light sea­sons in the past.

Tre Kroner

The famous moun­ta­ins Tre Kro­ner (“three Crowns”) in Kongsfjord in evening light.

But what else do you need of you are sur­roun­ded by such scenic magic?

Yes! A fire on the beach! 🙂

Fire on the beach

Cosy fire on the beach in Wood­fjord.



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last modification: 2018-01-14 · copyright: Rolf Stange