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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil

Daily Archives: 22. May 2018 − News & Stories

Ves­terå­len: Stok­mark­nes

This bridge last night tur­ned out to be an inte­res­t­ing thing. A 30 met­re high bridge and a 31 met­re high ship. Well, but the 30 met­res of the bridge are the gua­ran­teed mini­mum hight abo­ve the hig­hest high water ever. To be sure, we sent mate Nick up the Besan to see if the main mast would fit.

Bridge at Stokmarknes, Vesterålen

Bridge at Stok­mark­nes, Ves­terå­len.

It did. The­re were still seve­ral met­res of space.

Soon the­re­af­ter we had rea­ched Stok­mark­nes in the late evening hours. Next to us, the old Hur­tig­ru­ten ship Finn­mar­ken is bea­ched, now ser­ving as a muse­um.

Hurtigruten ship Finnmarken in Stokmarknes, Vesterålen

Old Hur­tig­ru­ten ship Finn­mar­ken, now a muse­um, in Stok­mark­nes, Ves­terå­len.

After a love­ly sun­set (the last one of the voya­ge!) and a calm night in the har­bour, we woke up to found the day to be grey and rai­ny. Nevert­hel­ess, we went off for a nice hike up the hills behind Stok­mark­nes.

Snow fields, Stokmarknes, Vesterålen

Snow fields in the moun­ta­ins behind Stok­mark­nes, Ves­terå­len.

Nevert­hel­ess, it was a good hike with some nice views under the clouds, and it is always good to get some exer­cise. Espe­ci­al­ly if you have got some days at sea ahead. And we will soon set sail for Bear Island (Bjørnøya)!

View of Stokmarknes, Vesterålen

Grey view of Stok­mark­nes, Ves­terå­len.


News-Listing live generated at 2025/February/15 at 23:26:44 Uhr (GMT+1)