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Daily Archives: 5. August 2018 − News & Stories

From Sal­ly­ham­na to Lief­defjord – 05 August 2018

It took a bit lon­ger than expec­ted to lea­ve in the mor­ning becau­se the day began just as yes­ter­day finis­hed: with a fami­ly of polar bears. Pos­si­bly the same ones that we saw last night, but 2 fami­lies are sup­po­sed in the area, so we don’t know for sure, they may be dif­fe­rent ones. Today’s polar bears were inte­res­ted in a depot of gar­ba­ge and fuel which sup­po­sedly belongs to the Sys­sel­man­nen. They went their way after a while.



We did the same and con­tin­ued towards Raud­fjord, which tur­ned out to be so fog­gy that we left again soon and set cour­se to the east. The visi­bi­li­ty cle­ared up as we ente­red Wood­fjor­den, so we went to one of the small islands for a love­ly tun­dra walk. Natu­re has so much to offer, often on a small sca­le. If you just want big ani­mals and spec­ta­cu­lar, big sce­n­ery, then you may not find much here, but if you have a sen­se for all the small things, the struc­tures, the colours, the lichens and the rocks, the birds and the tun­dra, then you can spend a lot of time here.





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