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Daily Archives: 26. January 2019 − News & Stories

Nor­t­hern lights, nor­t­hern lights, nor­t­hern lights …

My dear fri­ends, let me tell you, it is tough. For weeks we have been try­ing to get some sleep at nor­mal times. But it just doesn’t work. This nor­t­hern light is real­ly too bad. Real­ly, it can be annoy­ing! You always have to go out, watch Lady Auro­ra dancing, take pho­tos … yes, life in the Arc­tic can be hard … 🙂

Northern light

Nor­t­hern light aureo­la, near-ver­ti­cal­ly abo­ve the photographer’s posi­ti­on.

It was almost warm today, just about -6°C in Advent­da­len. In com­pa­ri­son to the last days, it felt real­ly mild. Only the wind was a bit chil­ly.

Northern lights, Endalen

Ring of nor­t­hern lights over End­a­len.

I can’t pro­mi­se that the­re won’t be any more auro­ra borea­lis pics in this blog during the next weeks. This is how the polar night is. On the other hand, Lady Auro­ra can be very moo­dy. Some­ti­mes she is just slee­ping some­whe­re far away or she is just dancing for the clouds. When she is in good mood then you just have have to take the oppor­tu­ni­ty. You never know when the next one comes – may­be this is her fare­well for the moment and she deci­des to move on to ano­ther pla­net or whe­re­ver.

Northern light and polar bear warning sign

The famous polar bear war­ning sign.


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