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A day in Spits­ber­gen: polar dogs and polar jazz

The expe­ri­en­ces to be made here in Spits­ber­gen in one day can be very rich in con­trast: a litt­le ski tour in Advent­da­len with com­pa­ny on four legs brings exer­cise, fresh air and impres­si­ons of light and land­scape – pure plea­su­re. For all invol­ved, with two and for legs.

With ski and dogs Adventdalen

With ski and dogs Advent­da­len.

A few hours later you may find yours­elf in an old hall which belongs to mine 3. No coal is mined in mine 3 any­mo­re, after years of silence it is now regu­lar­ly used as a mining muse­um and occa­sio­nal­ly for events. Today, the­re is one of the last con­certs of this year’s Polar­jazz fes­ti­val going on here. An expe­ri­men­tal Spits­ber­gen-Jazz-ope­ra – does that make sen­se? 🙂 The title is “Spor” (tracks) and it com­bi­nes sto­ries, impres­si­ons and emo­ti­ons from the histo­ry and natu­re, hun­ting and mining in Spits­ber­gen. All of that is put into music and sounds by a trio, in major parts with the addi­tio­nal voal powers of the Store Nor­ske Manns­kor, resul­ting in sounds that vary from spheric/experimental through jaz­zy to groo­vy.

Polarjazz with 'Spor' in Mine 3

Polar­jazz 2019: ‘Spor’ in Mine 3.

The atmo­sphe­re of the event was cer­tain­ly even increased by the loca­ti­on.



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last modification: 2019-02-03 · copyright: Rolf Stange