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Daily Archives: 2. July 2019 − News & Stories

St. Jons­fjord – 02nd July 2019

The main point in out plan­ning is still to avo­id the are­as of strong winds that are curr­ent­ly raging in seve­ral parts of Spits­ber­gen. The low pres­su­res are pas­sing through one by one, wit­hout a break.

But we are doing pret­ty well so far. Today, this brings us to St. Jons­fjord, which turns out to be the place to be for today. The first hike yields beau­tiful views on moun­ta­ins, gla­ciers and the fjord, with ple­nty of beau­tiful flowers.

Gal­lery – St. Jons­fjord – 02nd July 2019

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Later, we pass a lar­ge, quite acti­ve gla­cier and many small ice­bergs. Coin­ci­dence takes us then to a place whe­re a retrea­ting gla­cier has crea­ted a fasci­na­ting lagoon land­scape. A strong tidal cur­rent rus­hes through the cur­ved chan­nel that con­nects the lagoon and the fjord. 288 met­res alti­tu­de pro­vi­de a stun­ning pan­ora­ma over the who­le fjord area.


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