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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Aava­ts­mark­breen – Ny-Åle­sund – 06. August 2019

Aava­ts­mark­breen – Ny-Åle­sund – 06. August 2019

We keep moving north in For­lands­und and go ashore to make a hike to a huge gla­cier cal­led Aava­ts­mark­breen. Here we find our­sel­ves in a bar­ren ice-age land­scape with many polar bear tracks in the sand, pie­ces of gla­cier ice on the shore, melt­wa­ter rivers that we need to walk through and final­ly the big gla­cier with its impres­si­ve cal­ving front. Tor­ren­ti­al melt­wa­ter rivers are cas­ca­ding down over rocks next to the gla­cier. A very impres­si­ve, beau­tiful land­scape!

The onwards jour­ney through For­lands­und is a bit bum­py – again, the wea­ther fore­cast is not real­ly impres­si­ve – until we turn into Kongsfjord a cou­ple of hours later.

Gal­lery – Aava­ts­mark­breen – Ny-Åle­sund – 06. August 2019

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

In the evening, as we make a walk trough Ny-Åle­sund, Spitsbergen’s nor­t­hern­most sett­le­ment, the sun comes out again and casts beau­tiful evening light over the stun­ning moun­tain and gla­cier sce­n­ery.



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last modification: 2019-08-07 · copyright: Rolf Stange