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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil

Daily Archives: 8. August 2019 − News & Stories

Nor­thwest Spits­ber­gen – 08 August 2019

After the calm nor­thwards pas­sa­ge to the north, inter­rupt­ed by a late evening visit to a bird cliff on the west coast, we had a calm night at anchor in Mag­da­le­nefjord (here a small Pano­Tour). This stun­nin­gly beau­tiful fjord is a top tou­rist desti­na­ti­on in Spits­ber­gen – remem­ber, crui­se ships star­ted to visit this area regu­lar­ly as ear­ly as in the late 19th cen­tu­ry – but today, we hap­pen­ed to be the only boat in the area. So we made good use of the oppor­tu­ni­ty, enjoy­ed a sun­ny walk at Grav­ne­set and a visit to the gla­cier, Wag­gon­way­breen.

As the­re was no wind and the sea com­ple­te­ly calm, later we went for a rare visit of Ham­burg­buk­ta. Cen­tu­ries ago, wha­lers from Ham­burg fol­lo­wed their trade here; some of them never left, the­re is still a cou­ple of gra­ves here and the­re, cover­ed by colourful car­pets of lichens and mos­ses. A beau­tiful, silent and peaceful place.

Gal­lery – Nor­thwest Spits­ber­gen – 08 August 2019

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Some hours and gla­ciers later, we have rea­ched a well-shel­te­red ancho­red in a scenic small bay in nor­thwes­tern Spits­ber­gen. Ano­ther day gone – time is fly­ing here!


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