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Daily Archives: 19. August 2021 − News & Stories

Hin­lo­pen (2) – 19th August 2021

And yet ano­ther long, full day in Hin­lo­pen Strait. We star­ted the day with 4 (or 5?) polar bears who were having break­fast, sup­po­sedly alre­a­dy for some time.

A good moun­tain hike in Lom­fjord gave us ama­zing views and a good bit of exer­cise.

And a final excur­si­on on Nord­aus­t­land gave us more than 100 wal­rus who were pret­ty busy with them­sel­ves.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.


News-Listing live generated at 2024/April/19 at 14:36:00 Uhr (GMT+1)