Currently Norwegian lawmakers appear to be producing one fantastic idea after the other. One of the potentially upcoming laws is aimed against saving water depth data. The Norwegian ministry of defence considers depth-recording echo sounders a potential threat to national security and wants to prohibit their use in Norwegian waters, as reported by NRK. Next to the 12 mile zone of mainland Norway, this is explicitely intended to include the corresponding territorial waters of Svalbard and Jan Mayen.
All modern ships have echo sounders installed to monitor the depth of the water under the ship, and fishing vessels routinely use echo sounders to locate fish. Simpler devices just show the current value, while more sophisticated ones – which are standard on many modern vessels – record and save the data. If a ship navigates repeatedly in a certain area, over time the data thus gathered will produce a rough chart of the sea bottom topography – a great advantage in poorly charted waters such as large parts of Svalbard, especially in the remoter areas. GPS tracks with depth information, automatically or manually recorded, are an important and frequently used navigational tool in these waters.
Navigation in uncharted waters, in this case near a glacier that has recently retreated. According to the charted, the ship is sailing inside the glacier (brown area). Careful use of echo sounders and recording depth for future use is common practice in such situations.
The Norwegian ministry of defence wants to have a law re-activated that prohibits saving high-resolution depth values in waters deeper than 30 metres. This author can only speculate that the reason is to make access to security-relevant areas more difficult and to keep military installations on the sea floor from being discovered.
According to the Spitsbergen Treaty, no country including Norway is allowed to have permanent military installations in Svalbard, hence introducing measures to protect such installations does not make sense. The Norwegian military, however, seems to consider the territorial waters of Svalbard generally so sensitive that they wish to include Svalbard, where large areas are poorly charted or not charted at all.
Fishers are raging because they see a risk of their daily routines being criminalised, with consequences potentially including high fines or up to a year in prison. According to the ministry of defence, the law is “in principle” not aimed against fishery and at least in theory their routines should not be affected – that is, at least, the intention. What the law actually says remains to be seen. The idea is rather to keep foreign, potentially unfriendly powers from systematically charting Norwegian waters.