One thing is for sure: Longyearbyen needs a new energy system. The old coal power plant is, well, exactly that: a) old and b) a coal power plant. On Wednesday, an administrative board within the community administration of Longyearbyen confirmed an earlier decision of the community council (Longyearbyen Lokalstyre) to run Longyearbyen’s energy supply without coal from late 2023.
But anyone who expects a modern, climate-neutral energy supply is in for a disappointment: to start with, energy will be supplied by a diesel-based power station, which will be an upgraded version of today’s standby power plant. A climate-neutral solution is, however, who Longyearbyen wants and needs on the long term: greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced by 70-80 % until 2030. The plan is to achieve this with a mix of technologies likely to include photovoltaics, wind and battery-based energy storage solutions.
The coal power station in Longyearbyen. The discussion about a new solution is almost as old as the power plant itself.
But climate protection is not the reason for the move from coal to diesel. According to Svalbardposten, security of supply is one main reason. Power cuts are a rather well-known phenomenon in Longyearbyen. The latest one was just two days ago on Wednesday in the late afternoon. It lasted, with a bit of on and off, for 1.5 hours. Additionally it is said that the further operation of the coal power plant would require increasing maintainance and financial efforts, and the working conditions for the staff are not up to date.
Based on the expected development of energy prices, however, the change to diesel is expected to bring an increase of something near 14 % to consumers in Longyearbyen. It does not surprise that Wednesday’s confirmation of the decision was met with a loud debate in local social media groups in Longyearbyen. There are many who are proud of Longyearbyen’s coal mining history and many doubt that imported diesel, bought on potentially turbulent world markets, is a better solution than local coal.
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