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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Nusfjord and the last miles to Bodø

Nusfjord and the last miles to Bodø

A gre­at final day of a gre­at voya­ge, regard­less of the wea­ther, which was as it often is in the­se lati­tu­des: grey and win­dy, with occa­sio­nal rain- and snow show­ers. We spent the mor­ning in Nusfjord, one of the most famous litt­le old vil­la­ges in Lofo­ten. For good reason. It is a beau­tiful place.

In the after­noon, we got the one thing that we had been miss­ing so far on this trip: real sai­ling. The main engi­ne was off for the com­ple­te open water crossing from Lofo­ten to the main­land coast. We made 7-8 knots under sail (and, most­ly, sun). Beau­tiful! So we rea­ched Bodø easi­ly on Tues­day evening, and ever­y­bo­dy went his or her way on Wed­nes­day.

It had been gre­at, it had been fun! And I thank ever­y­bo­dy who was invol­ved. Safe jour­ney, home or else­whe­re! And for Mario and his good peo­p­le on SV Mean­der, safe sai­ling and fair winds en rou­te up to Spits­ber­gen! See you again soon 🙂

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last modification: 2023-05-05 · copyright: Rolf Stange