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New pho­to- and pan­ora­ma pages

The voya­ge with SV Anti­gua that we finis­hed on 8th June was fan­ta­stic, among­st others due to the ama­zing wea­ther that we had throug­hout the trip. So it is defi­ni­te­ly wort­hwhile to join the trip by cli­cking through the pho­to gal­le­ries that you can access from this page (the actu­al gal­le­ries are on two pages that are lin­ked on that first page).

SV Antigua 2023, Spitsbergen

SV Anti­gua in Horn­sund.

And while I was at it, I gave a face lift to seve­ral pages dedi­ca­ted to places that we have been to on the recent trip. This is about the “Spits­ber­gen pan­ora­ma pages”. The fol­lo­wing pages got some signi­fi­cant impro­ve­ments such as new pan­ora­mas, pho­to gal­le­ries and maps and it is defi­ni­te­ly worth having a look and taking a litt­le vir­tu­al trip to the Arc­tic:



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last modification: 2023-06-15 · copyright: Rolf Stange