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Daily Archives: 17. October 2023 − News & Stories

The new dou­ble calen­dar “Spits­ber­gen & Nor­way 2024” is available

The new dou­ble calen­dar “Spits­ber­gen & Nor­way 2024” is available! 24 pages for the new year, a dou­ble calen­dar – pho­to­gra­phic beau­ty of nor­t­hern land­scapes, wild­life and flowers on the wall, chan­ging every months (twice if you want) throug­hout the year 😃

“Dou­ble calen­dar” means that both sides of each page are used. You can turn the calen­dar around to the other image. The calen­dar is available in two sizes, lar­ge (A3) and small (A5). And if you order more than one per size, then the pri­ce will drop by 3 Euro per copy 🤩 Christ­mas is not far any­mo­re – the ide­al pre­sent for all arc­tic enthu­si­asts! 🎄🎅🎁 as long as stocks last!

Click here for more infor­ma­ti­on inclu­ding views of all pages and orde­ring.


News-Listing live generated at 2025/February/16 at 03:10:53 Uhr (GMT+1)