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Daily Archives: 1. December 2023 − News & Stories

Ant­ark­ti­kos: excel­lent rea­ding mate­ri­als about the other end of the world

This does not have any­thing to do with Spits­ber­gen, but for all enthu­si­asts of the polar regi­ons – north and south – Ant­ark­ti­kos is som real­ly good food for brain, eye and soul.

Ant­ark­ti­kos is a maga­zi­ne that has set a high stan­dards with regards to both con­tents and lay­out with the first edi­ti­on two years ago. It is not ano­ther one of the usu­al glos­sy maga­zi­nes that come every month or so with the usu­al tra­vel sto­ries and packed witih adver­ti­sing – no, it is actual­ly quite the con­tra­ry: full of inte­res­t­ing con­tri­bu­ti­on cove­ring a wide ran­ge of sub­jects from sci­ence to art and a lot of other stuff on eit­her side of the­se, with a lay­out that makes it a plea­su­re to read. And inde­ed no adver­ti­sing. That does set a high level, inde­ed.

Antarktikos, Antarctic magazine

The first edi­ti­on of “Ant­ark­ti­kos”
(and this aut­hor, spon­ta­neous­ly and bad­ly pho­to­gra­phed by hims­elf …).

The second edi­ti­on is about to be released now in Decem­ber. And to make ends meet, the­re is a crowd­fun­ding cam­pa­gin going until tomor­row (Satur­day, 2 Decem­ber) on Kick­star­ter – a few Euro are still miss­ing, come on, let’s get that done! Ever­y­thing is pos­si­ble, from sim­ply orde­ring the second edi­ti­on for a too cheap pri­ce of 15 Euro to sub­stan­ti­al sup­port.

I am in, with plea­su­re.


News-Listing live generated at 2025/January/23 at 10:31:21 Uhr (GMT+1)