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Daily Archives: 26. May 2024 − News & Stories

Reinde­er with rabies near Ny-Åle­sund

A reinde­er was obser­ved near Ny-Åle­sund in ear­ly May that show­ed unu­su­al beha­viour that poin­ted towards rabies, inclu­ding part­ly para­ly­sed hind legs. The ani­mal was later, howe­ver, not found again so a rabies infec­tion could not be con­firm­ed alt­hough it appears likely.

Reindeer, rabies

Rabies is dan­ge­rous both for ani­mals and humans (sym­bo­lic image).

Rabies out­breaks have been recor­ded seve­ral times in Sval­bard. The patho­gen may for exam­p­le tra­vel long distances with polar foxes that can migra­te on sea ice. Long-distance migra­ti­ons such as from Rus­sia to Spits­ber­gen or from Spits­ber­gen to Cana­da is pos­si­ble. Dif­fe­rent mammal spe­ci­es such as foxes, reinde­er, seals and dogs may be affec­ted, and the dise­a­se can be very dan­ge­rous also for humans. It is gene­ral­ly stron­gly advi­sed not to touch any dead ani­mals.


News-Listing live generated at 2024/September/19 at 11:23:41 Uhr (GMT+1)