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Daily Archives: 20. July 2024 − News & Stories

Page of the week: Sjuøya­ne

Sjuøya­ne is the page of the week. This page is dedi­ca­ted to the litt­le archi­pe­la­go of ‘The Seven Islands’, which are the very nor­t­hern­most islands and islets of the Sval­bard archi­pe­la­go.

The page has exis­ted for years, but I have impro­ved it signi­fi­cant­ly now with new map, images and pho­to gal­lery and the text has also got a cou­ple of updates. When I work on the tra­vel blog, lin­king places that we just visi­ted to the­se pages, I like to make updates and impro­ve­ments as I stumb­le over older pages that need some love.


Phippsøya, the lar­ges island of Sjuøya­ne.

Sjuøya­ne have some fasci­na­ting land­scape and they are a fasci­na­ting area to visit if all works out, but it can cer­tain­ly be chal­ling to get the­re, let alo­ne to get ashore. If get­ting the­re is not available in real life, then a vir­tu­al trip the­re is just one mou­se click away 😀


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