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Daily Archives: 8. November 2024 − News & Stories

Tem­pe­ra­tu­re records and storm in north Nor­way

Never befo­re have tem­pe­ra­tures as high as today’s been mea­su­red in north Nor­way: sta­ti­ons of the Nor­we­gi­an meteo­ro­lo­gi­cal ser­vice bet­ween Ves­terå­len and Finn­mark recor­ded up to 16 degrees today (8 Novem­ber), as NRK reports.

A hea­vy storm is raging over the who­le area with winds up to force 11, and the­re are reports about dama­ge.

Yes­ter­day it had not yet been so cra­zy, so we sai­led out into Kvæn­an­gen, in beau­tiful style under sails, and saw some wha­les here and some more the­re. But the wind just kept incre­asing and I guess the­re might well have been more than just a few on board who were quite hap­py when the ship was along­side in Skjer­vøy again in the later after­noon.

Today we stay­ed in port. Good thing, con­side­ring the con­di­ti­ons with how­ling gusts which can lite­ral­ly blow one’s socks off. Wal­king out­side is very unp­lea­sant, with sand and small stones being blown into your face. The­re is the occa­sio­nal hole in the clouds, but no nor­t­hern lights so far and now it is rai­ning again.

But we are having a good time. Now I under­stand why I put quite a lot of time into pre­pa­ring some new pre­sen­ta­ti­ons 🙂 and this mor­ning, when it was just a litt­le bit less cra­zy, we went to one of the hills of Skjer­vøy.

Pho­to gal­lery Kvæn­an­gen & Skjer­vøy – 06th/07th Novem­ber 2024

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.


News-Listing live generated at 2025/February/18 at 09:34:54 Uhr (GMT+1)