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Pyramiden: Hotel Tulipan

360° panorama

Hotel Tuli­pan (“Hotel Tulip”) in Pyra­mi­den is loca­ted in a for­mer, lar­ge resi­den­ti­al house that was tur­ned into a hotel in the late 1980s. Back then, the Sov­jet Uni­on under Gor­bats­jov ope­ned up towards the west and wes­tern visi­tors were sud­den­ly wel­co­me in Barents­burg and Pyra­mi­den bey­ond occa­sio­nal arran­ged visits. The hotels in Spitsbergen’s Rus­si­an sett­le­ments were a con­se­quence of this deve­lo­p­ment.

Bar and restau­rant of Hotel Tuli­pan, not long after the re-ope­ning of the hotel in spring 2013. Not a bad place to spend some time.

Pyramiden’s aban­don­ment in 1998 was later fol­lo­wed by the clo­sure of Hotel Tuli­pan. For some years, the only accom­mo­da­ti­on available in Pyra­mi­den was the “Guest house har­bour bridge” in shape of some con­tai­ner homes at the har­bour. After a peri­od of reno­va­ti­on, Hotel Tuli­pan was re-ope­ned in 2013. Initi­al­ly, life the­re was rather simp­le – yet not unat­trac­ti­ve – but both rooms and food have been upgraded to meet the expec­ta­ti­ons of modern tra­vel­lers, at least to some degree. You are not in a big, modern hotel in a big city else­whe­re, but well, that’s what you came for, isn’t it?

Room in hotel Tuli­pan. Mean­while, most rooms have been moder­ni­zed.

More and more visi­tors, both locals and stu­dents from Lon­gye­ar­by­en and inter­na­tio­nal tou­rists, use the oppor­tu­ni­ty to spend more time in Pyra­mi­den than just a quick glim­pse during a day tour. If you want to book a room in Hotel Tuli­pan, then cont­act Gru­mant Arc­tic Tra­vel Com­pa­ny.



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last modification: 2018-11-12 · copyright: Rolf Stange