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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil

Ship­ping & deli­very

pri­ces, ship­ping and deli­very infor­ma­ti­on:

We will nor­mal­ly pro­cess and des­patch your order to you within 3-5 busi­ness days. If the­re are likely to be any delays in ful­fil­ling your order we will advi­se you of such. We are not respon­si­ble for the time the car­ri­er takes to deli­ver the book to your ship­ping address. Any deli­very times­ca­les quo­ted to you are indi­ca­ti­ve only.

The men­tio­ned on the pro­duct pages include the VAT and other pri­ce com­pon­ents as appli­ca­ble. The ship­ping cos­ts will be com­mu­ni­ca­ted in the shop­ping cart sys­tem and on the order page cle­ar­ly. For digi­tal con­tent (e-books, soft­ware, etc.) the­re are no ship­ping cos­ts.

Pri­ces are inclu­ding VAT plus ship­ping. The ship­ping cos­ts plea­se refer to this over­view:
Total weight
up to 1 kg
(all items except »79°N«
if orde­red
Total weight
bet­ween 1 and 2 kg
plus any other book
or: »79°N«
indi­vi­du­al order)
Total weight
more than 2 kg
Ger­ma­ny Free ship­ping Free ship­ping Free ship­ping
Incl. pho­to book »79°N« * 2.00 € 2.00 €
EU 4.00 € 4.00 € 9.00 €
Incl. pho­to book »79°N« * 6.00 € 12.00 €
Ship­ping out­side EU 4.00 €** 9.50 €** 12.00 €**
Incl. pho­to book »79°N« * 13.00 €** 15.00 €**
* not appli­ca­ble becau­se 79°N exceed 1 kg
** Land mail. If you pre­fer air­mail, plea­se indi­ca­te this in the »addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on« box on the next page. In this case, addi­tio­nal cos­ts will be char­ged.
Ship­ping cos­ts Drift­wood pic­tu­re frame:
Ger­ma­nyEU count­riesSwitz­er­land
Drift­wood pic­tu­re framefree of char­ge8 €*20 €
Ship­ping cos­ts for drift­wood frames out­side the EU on request. Ship­ping cos­ts refer to one drift­wood pic­tu­re frame.



This and other publishing products of the Spitsbergen publishing house in the Spitsbergen-Shop.

last modification: 2018-12-10 · copyright: Rolf Stange