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pfeil Page of the week: Gnålodden pfeil


Panorama of a trappers' hut, icebergs and glaciers

Spitsbergen’s east coast: Mohn­buk­ta

The land­scapes on the east coast of Spits­ber­gen are huge and wild, wide and open. Typi­cal are more or less pla­teau-shaped moun­ta­ins and dark rocks, giving the land­scape a some­ti­mes even gloo­my appearance. As in most other bays on the east coast (except Agardhbuk­ta), the inland is stron­gly gla­cia­ted and some gla­ciers have cal­ving fronts at the coast.

Old trap­pers’ hut in Mohn­buk­ta

Old hut under the moun­tain Domen in Mohn­buk­ta. The hut was built in 1928 by Georg Bjørn­nes, a Nor­we­gi­an trap­per.

Tra­vel­ling on fast ice

Tra­vel­ling on fast ice in Mohn­buk­ta on a beau­tiful April day.

Many smal­ler ice­bergs with fan­ta­stic shapes and colours are fro­zen in the fast ice of Mohn­buk­ta. The­se images were taken insi­de an ice­berg that had seve­ral old melt­wa­ter caves.

Yes ano­ther stron­gly wea­the­red ice­berg in Mohn­buk­ta.

Ano­ther view of the same ice­berg as abo­ve.

The gla­ciers in Mohn­buk­ta: Königs­berg­breen and Hayes­breen

The ice cliff of Hayes­breen on the nor­t­hern side of Mohn­buk­ta, fro­zen solid in the fast ice.

Königs­berg­breen (-gla­cier, left side) and Hayes­breen. Not a 360 degree pan­ora­ma, but a sum­mer view.

Views of Mohn­buk­ta

View from a morai­ne ridge on the north side of Mohn­buk­ta, near Teist­pyn­ten

View from ano­ther morai­ne ridge, here on the west side of Mohn­buk­ta



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last modification: 2019-05-12 · copyright: Rolf Stange