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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil


Moskenes, Lofoten

Rei­ne is a litt­le vil­la­ge on the Lofo­ten island of Mos­ken­es and the »capi­tal« of Mos­ken­es com­mu­ni­ty. It is a small »capi­tal« with 324 inha­bi­tants (as of Janu­ary 2012) but this makes a lot of the charme of the place. Rei­ne has been an important fishing har­bour for cen­tu­ries, and it still is today. Obvious­ly, as the famous »Stock­fi­sh« is ever­y­whe­re to be seen: cod dry­ing in the wind on woo­den racks. »Ror­buer« near the water, in the old days pro­vi­ding simp­le housing for fishers who came for the sea­so­nal cod fishery, nowa­days sought-after tou­rist accom­mo­da­ti­on.

The charme of the place is made com­ple­te by its scenic sur­roun­dings. Rug­ged moun­ta­ins are rising towards the sky direct­ly from the shore­li­ne. This is what the Nor­we­gi­ans call »Lofot­veg­gen«, the »Lofo­ten wall«. And inde­ed it looks as if you are hea­ding towards a wall if you approach by ship.

Pan­ora­mas: Rei­ne



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last modification: 2013-12-27 · copyright: Rolf Stange