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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic 2017 → Pyra­mi­den 2017/09/04-10

Pyramiden: photograph and hiking, September 04-10, 2017

Pyra­mi­den, here we come! With came­ra and hiking boots. That was pret­ty much our mot­to for a gre­at week in one of the weir­dest places you can ima­gi­ne, name­ly the old, Sov­jet-Rus­si­an coal mining sett­le­ment of Pyra­mi­den. Loca­ted in Bil­lefjord north of Lon­gye­ar­by­en, it was aban­do­ned in 1998.

We met on Sep­tem­ber 04 in Lon­gye­ar­by­en and went by boat to Pyra­mi­den the next day. The­re, we spent a good 4 days to explo­re the place and its scenic sur­roun­dings. We were lucky with the wea­ther – always an important fac­tor when tra­vel­ling the Arc­tic. Ano­ther important fac­tor is the group, and also here, we were real­ly lucky! We spent the time in very good spi­rits and high­ly enjoya­ble atmo­sphe­re, and I think all of you who were part of it will agree, won’t you? Thanks again to ever­y­bo­dy, it was gre­at fun! Would love to do it again …

My impres­si­ons and pho­tos may not in all respects be repre­sen­ta­ti­ve for the group’s expe­ri­ence. They are rather – sur­pri­se! – my own impres­si­ons and pho­tos. While my fel­low col­le­agues Alex­an­der Lembke and Dani­el Höh­ne went out to explo­re and hike with the group, for exam­p­le on mount Pyra­mi­den, I went out to explo­re with mys­elf, for exam­p­le scou­ting an rou­te so far unknown to me across mount Ygg­dra­sil­kam­pen. In Pyra­mi­den, I spent some good time to fill in gaps in my know­ledge and pho­to archi­ve of the place, focus­sing on pan­ora­ma pho­to­gra­phy. It is a long-term pro­ject to pre­sent the results, but have a look at this pan­ora­ma of Ygg­dra­sil­kam­pen to get a tas­te. Later addi­ti­on: many pan­ora­mas have by now sur­faced on the Pyra­mi­den pan­ora­ma page.

So, alt­hough not 100 % matching with what the group saw and did, my pho­tos do give a good impres­si­on of tho­se fan­ta­stic days in and around Pyra­mi­den, one of Svalbard’s most fasci­na­ting places. We could have spent more time! Pyra­mi­den, we will come back!

Gal­lery – Pyra­mi­den: pho­to­graph and hiking, Sep­tem­ber 04-10, 2017

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2019-04-28 · copyright: Rolf Stange