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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil



The name Syd­kap (South Cape) is pret­ty self-expl­ana­to­ry, isn’t it, as it is on the nor­t­hern side of Score­s­by­sund … well, this is not self-expl­ana­to­ry. But it is the sou­thern­most part of Score­s­by Land, north of Score­s­by­sund. So that’s the reason for the name. By the way, the Green­lan­dic name for this love­ly place is Kan­ger­ter­tiv­ar­mit, which is easy to remem­ber.

But any­way, Syd­kap is a beau­tiful pie­ce of land. It is on the boun­da­ry bet­ween the migh­ty chan­nels Øfjord and Nord­vest­fjord and Hall Bred­ning, the wide-open, cen­tral part of Score­s­by­sund. Many big ice­bergs come drif­ting out of both Øfjord and Nord­vest­fjord, but it is espe­ci­al­ly the lat­ter one that is of huge pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, with count­less ice­bergs drif­ting through it, some of it being more than a kilo­me­ter long or even two. The­re is usual­ly a strong bree­ze blo­wing west-east through Øfjord and Nord­vest­fjord, but at Syd­kap, it is calm more often than it isn’t. So it is usual­ly not a pro­blem to go ashore on the rocky shore just under an old hut. Or actual­ly two, but the older one is just a ruin the­se days, whe­re­as the youn­ger one is in good shape and still being used by local hun­ters from Itto­q­qor­toor­mi­it, the one and only town any­whe­re „near“. East of Syd­kap, the­re is some­ti­mes a real tent vil­la­ge of local hun­ters, who may be on their way to their hun­ting grounds for mos­ku­xen in the inner rea­ches of the fjord or who want to go fishing for Arc­tic char in the river mouths around.

The­re are traces from ear­lier sett­lers at Syd­kap, espe­ci­al­ly on the island sou­the­ast of it, Ing­mi­kêr­ti­ka­jik. The archaeo­lo­gy the­re will go back many hundreds of years.

The area invi­tes for shorter and lon­ger hikes. It is not too dif­fi­cult to reach some gre­at views from smal­ler ele­va­tions after 1-2 hours wal­king, and if you are lucky to have more time, then you can enjoy beau­tiful hiking for as long as you can car­ry your equip­ment.




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last modification: 2014-01-04 · copyright: Rolf Stange