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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil

North Norway with SV Antigua, 06-13 November, 2023

Kvænangen: whales and northern lights

Humpback whale, Kvænangen

Hump­back wha­le in Kvæn­an­gen.

It is fair to say that the­se days in Kvæn­an­gen near Skjer­vøy were the heart of the trip. We dedi­ca­ted three full days – as full as day­light allo­wed – to the quest of sear­ching for wha­les. And we did not only search for them, we also found them. Ple­nty of them! Seve­ral beau­tiful encoun­ters with hump­back wha­les and a stun­ning mor­ning with seve­ral dozens of orcas. Beau­tiful sightin­gs for us and, as far as anyo­ne can tell, wit­hout any dis­tur­ban­ce or harm of any sort for the wha­les. This is important, the traf­fic den­si­ty in Kvæn­an­gen in the peak wha­le­wat­ching sea­son in Novem­ber is high, inclu­ding some very fast boats. Good old Anti­gua is any­thing but very fast. Good.

Orca, Kvænangen

Orcas in Kvæn­an­gen. Two out of dozens on this stun­ning mor­ning.

Nor­t­hern lights gra­ced the sky on two of the­se evenings, to our gre­at delight.

Northern light, Kvænangen

Nor­t­hern lights abo­ve Anti­gua, Kvæn­an­gen.

Pho­to gal­lery 2: Kvæn­an­gen

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To page/photo gal­lery:  → From Trom­sø to Arnøy  → Kvæn­an­gen  → From Sørk­jo­sen to Trom­sø



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last modification: 2023-11-20 · copyright: Rolf Stange