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pfeil Page of the week: Gnålodden pfeil

Greenland Panoramas


Click the mar­ker on the map to get to the cor­re­spon­ding pan­ora­mas or use the text links below. For more tech­ni­cal infor­ma­ti­on on how to dis­play pan­ora­mas, plea­se see the bot­tom end of the page.


  1. Itto­q­qor­toor­mi­it (Score­s­by­sund Dorf)
  2. Dan­mark Ø (Hek­la Havn)
  3. Røde Ø
  4. Sor­te Ø
  5. Sne­sund
  6. Harefjord
  7. Bjør­ne Øer
  8. Syd­kap

How to dis­play pan­ora­mas 

On this page, you will find navigab­le pan­ora­ma shots. Click the play-but­ton to load the pan­ora­ma. You can then navi­ga­te with your mou­se or the but­tons at the bot­tom end of each pan­ora­ma. If you have a touch screen, then you can also easi­ly scroll through the pan­ora­ma with your fin­ger­tips. The Goog­le brow­ser Chro­me, which is regu­lar­ly used on Android mobi­le devices, has pro­blems to show pan­ora­mas pro­per­ly. Until Goog­le has sol­ved this pro­blem, the only solu­ti­on available is to our know­ledge to use ano­ther non-Android device. Desk­top-com­pu­ters will use Flash (if instal­led) and mobi­le devices HTML5 to screen the pan­ora­mas. HTML5 does not show the navi­ga­ti­on but­tons at the lower rim of each pan­ora­ma. Flash-users can also view the pan­ora­ma in full screen mode. To do so, click the but­ton on the far right end, with the four arrows poin­ting at the cor­ners. To see the navi­ga­ti­on but­tons, you have to load the pan­ora­ma first and you have to have a recent Flash­play­er instal­led. This will be the case for most up-to-date desk­top and lap­top com­pu­ters. Mobi­le devices do nor­mal­ly not sup­port Flash.


Sorte Ø Røde Ø Danmark Ø (Hekla Havn) Snesund Harefjord Bjørne Øer Ittoqqortoormiit (Scoresbysund Village) Sydkap


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last modification: 2019-08-27 · copyright: Rolf Stange