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Ny-Ålesund: Museum

360° panorama

The litt­le muse­um in Ny-Åle­sund, offi­ci­al­ly cal­led Ny-Åle­sund By- og Gru­ve­mu­se­um (Ny-Åle­sund town and mine muse­um), is an inte­res­t­ing and infor­ma­ti­ve attrac­tion. You can learn a lot about the local histo­ry which is based on three bran­ches of acti­vi­ties: coal mining, north pole expe­di­ti­ons and, exclu­si­ve­ly in modern times, sci­ence.

The muse­um has a lot of infor­ma­ti­on and pho­tos about dai­ly life in Ny-Åle­sund when it was still a remo­te, iso­la­ted mining vil­la­ge. The 1920s saw the famous north pole expe­di­ti­ons main­ly by Roald Amund­sen (1926, air­ship Nor­ge) and Umber­to Nobi­le (1926 and 1928, then air­ship Ita­lia). Click here for more infor­ma­ti­on about the­se expe­di­ti­ons.

Ny-Åle­sund was aban­do­ned as a coal mining sett­le­ment in 1963 after seve­ral hea­vy acci­dents. All later acti­vi­ty the­re ser­ves only sci­ence, eit­her direct­ly or indi­rect­ly (some­ti­mes very indi­rect­ly).

The Ny-Åle­sund By- og Gru­ve­mu­se­um is housed in the for­mer shop, which was built in 1917. It was con­ver­ted to a muse­um in 1989 and moder­nis­ed later.



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last modification: 2019-03-14 · copyright: Rolf Stange