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North Norway with SV Meander

Part 1: From Alta to Tromsø

SV Meander 2023: Map Alta-Tromsø

Nor­way with SV Mean­der, part 1: from Alta to Trom­sø.

The first days of this voya­ge: north Nor­way win­ter in its most plea­sant fashion. Small, hid­den places, inclu­ding some good hiking, such as Berg­s­fjord and Segl­vi­ka. Ham­nes and Finn­kro­ken were among­st the bet­ter known high­lights. You could spend days at each of the­se places (all of them, and almost ever­y­whe­re else, in this beau­tiful regi­on). Then we came to Trom­sø (“dus­ty”, as they said 🙂 ) which is a good point to defi­ne the end of this first part of the voya­ge, just to keep the num­ber of pic­tures in the pho­to gal­lery within reasonable limits.

Pho­to gal­lery: North Nor­way – from Alta to Trom­sø with SV Mean­der

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To page/photo gal­lery:  → Nor­way (1): from Alta to Trom­sø  → Nor­way (2): from Sen­ja to Bodø



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last modification: 2023-05-06 · copyright: Rolf Stange